home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- // Avara variables and constants
- // Do not make changes to this resource. To use the
- // Variables described here, redefine them in your
- // level files. Making changes here will probably
- // cause severe compatibility problems. Treat this
- // resource as a read-only guide to the variables and
- // constants that are available for designing levels.
- //
- // This resource has to end with a space or return.
- designer = 0
- information = 0
- timeLimit = 2400 // Default time limit is 30 minutes.
- gravity = 1
- customGravity = 0.12
- shape = 0 // Primary BSP shape resource id
- altShape = 0 // Possible alternate shape
- scale = 1
- yon = 0
- wallYon = 0
- hasFloor = 0
- wallTemplate = 400
- floorTemplate = 401
- y = 0 // Height from ground level.
- mask = -1 // Bitmask for object type
- team = 1 // Team id
- wallHeight = 3
- wa = 0
- baseHeight = 0
- pixelToThickness = 1 / 8
- mass = 0
- visible = 0
- thickness = 0
- winTeam = 0
- targetGroup = 0
- // Sound stuff:
- hitSound = 0
- hitVolume = 0
- hitSoundDefault = 210
- shieldHitSoundDefault = 211
- playerHitSoundDefault = 211
- blastSound = 0
- blastVolume = 0
- blastSoundDefault = 230
- stepSound = 161
- groundStepSound = 160
- isTarget = 0
- sound = 0
- openSound = 400
- closeSound = 400
- stopSound = 401
- volume = 15
- // Player related:
- defaultLives = 3
- lives = defaultLives
- incarnateSound = 0
- incarnateVolume = 12
- winSound = 0
- winVolume = 12
- loseSound = 0
- loseVolume = 6
- // Scoring:
- killScore = 0
- hitScore = 0
- friendlyHitMultiplier = -1
- // Damage and explosions
- smallSliverCount = 0
- mediumSliverCount = 0
- largeSliverCount = 0
- smallSliverLife = 0
- mediumSliverLife = 0
- largeSliverLife = 0
- canGlow = 1
- // Messages sent when hit/destroyed
- killMsg = 0
- hitMsg = 0
- // Other messages
- stepOnMsg = 0
- // Motion
- accel = 0
- // Toggle switches
- togglePower = 0
- blastToggle = 1000
- // Doors:
- open = 0
- close = 0
- didOpen = 0
- didClose = 0
- openDelay = 0
- closeDelay = 0
- guardDelay = 0
- status = 0
- openSpeed = 0
- closeSpeed = 0
- pitch = 0
- yaw = 0
- roll = 0
- deltaX = 0
- deltaY = 0
- deltaZ = 0
- middle = 0
- midPitch = 0
- midYaw = 0
- midRoll = 0
- midX = 0
- midY = 0
- midZ = 0
- // Misc:
- power = 0
- maxPower = 0
- drain = 0
- // Guards:
- fireMsg = 0
- trackMsg = 0
- stopTrackMsg = 0
- speed = 0
- shotPower = 0
- // Ufos:
- checkPeriod = 0
- attack = 0
- defense = 0
- visionScore = 0
- hideScore = 0
- motionRange = 0
- pitchRange = 0
- verticalRangeMin = 0
- verticalRangeMax = 0
- burstLength = 0
- burstSpeed = 0
- burstCharge = 0
- homeSick = 0
- homeRange = 0
- homeBase = 0
- // Mines:
- shield = 0
- activateEnergy = 0
- activeRange = 0
- phase = 0
- activeTimer = 0
- boom = 0 // start mine timer message
- idleShapeTimer = 20
- idleAltShapeTimer = 0
- activeShapeTimer = 4
- activeAltShapeTimer = 4
- activateSound = 0
- activateVolume = 0
- // Teleporters:
- group = 0
- destGroup = 0
- spin = 1
- fragment = 1
- win = 0
- deadRange = 0
- showAlways = 1
- // Activators: (areas, etc.)
- watch = 0
- freq = 0
- enter = 0
- exit = 0
- // Text
- text = 0
- showEveryone = 0
- align = 0
- // Goody
- grenades = 0
- missiles = 0
- boosters = 0
- boostTime = 0
- // Ball & goal
- goalMsg = 0
- goalAction = 0
- goalScore = 0
- ejectPitch = 0
- ejectPower = 0
- ejectSound = 0
- ejectVolume = 0
- shieldChargeRate = 0
- maxShield = 0
- shootShield = 0
- grabShield = 0
- carryScore = 0
- dropEnergy = 0
- changeHolderEnergy = 0
- changeOwnerTime = 0
- changeOwnerSound = 0
- changeOwnerVolume = 0
- snapSound = 0
- snapVolume = 0
- // Sounds:
- isMusic = 0
- isAmbient = 1
- isPlaced = 1
- rate = 1
- loopCount = 0
- volume[0] = volume
- volume[1] = volume
- start = @start
- stop = 0
- kill = 0
- // Logic:
- in = in[0]
- in[0] = 0 in[1] = 0 in[2] = 0 in[3] = 0 in[4] = 0
- in[5] = 0 in[6] = 0 in[7] = 0 in[8] = 0 in[9] = 0
- out = out[0]
- out[0] = 0 out[1] = 0 out[2] = 0 out[3] = 0 out[4] = 0
- out[5] = 0 out[6] = 0 out[7] = 0 out[8] = 0 out[9] = 0
- restart = 0
- n = 0
- wait = 0
- // Lights (default light settings are stored here)
- ambient = 0.4
- light[0].i = 0.4 light[0].a = 45 light[0].b = 20
- light[1].i = 0.3 light[1].a = 20 light[1].b = 200
- light[2].i = 0.0 light[2].a = 45 light[2].b = 90
- light[3].i = 0.0 light[3].a = 45 light[3].b = 180
- // Advanced weapon powers:
- grenadePower = 2.25
- missilePower = 1.0
- missileTurnRate = 0.025
- missileAcceleration = 0.2
- maxStartGrenades = 20
- maxStartMissiles = 10
- maxStartBoosts = 5
- // Hull types
- hull[0] = 0
- hull[1] = 0
- hull[2] = 0
- defaultTraction = 0.4
- defaultFriction = 0.15
- wallTraction = defaultTraction
- wallFriction = defaultFriction
- traction = defaultTraction
- friction = defaultFriction
- wallShield = -1
- wallBlast = 4
- dummyVar = 0
- // some defines
- true = 1
- false = 0
- playerMask = 1
- scoutMask = 2
- robotMask = 4
- collisionDamageMask = 128
- targ1 = 256
- targ2 = 512
- targ3 = 1024
- targ4 = 2048
- targ5 = 4096
- targ6 = 8192
- canPushMask = 32768
- allTeams = -1
- T1 = 2
- T2 = 4
- T3 = 8
- T4 = 16
- T5 = 32
- T6 = 64
- // Doors:
- isClosed = 0
- isOpen = 1
- // Text alignment
- rightAlign = -1
- centerAlign = 1
- leftAlign = 0
- // bsp resources...doesn't mean you should use them all:
- bspAvara = 100
- bspMissionComplete = 101
- bspAvaraA = 102
- bspGrenadeSight = 200
- bspGrenadeSightTop = 201
- bspMarker = 202
- bspShot = 203
- bspDirInd = 204
- bspTargetOff = 205
- bspTargetOn = 206
- bspSmartMissileHairs = 207
- bspSmartMissileSight = 208
- bspHECTORBoundBox = 210
- bspHECTORLegHigh = 211
- bspHECTORLegLow = 212
- bspHullLight = 215
- bspHullMedium = 216
- bspHullLarge = 217
- bspScout = 220
- bspTeleporter = 230
- bspGoody = 240
- bspStandardBall = 250
- bspGoal = 251
- bspStandardPill = 252
- bspSphere = 300
- bspMine = 310
- bspMineActive = 311
- bspStandardWall = 400
- bspStandardFloor = 401
- bspW1x1 = 411
- bspW2x1 = 421
- bspW2x2 = 422
- bspW3x1 = 431
- bspW3x2 = 432
- bspW3x3 = 433
- bspW4x1 = 441
- bspW5x1 = 451
- // Sphere segments
- bsp16SphereNF = 460
- bsp16Sphere = 461
- bsp4SphereNF = 462
- bsp4Sphere = 463
- bsp2SphereNF = 464
- bsp2Sphere = 465
- bsppSphere = 466
- bspSliver0 = 500
- bspSliver1 = 501
- bspSliver2 = 502
- bspSliver3 = 503
- bspDoor = 550
- bspSwitchOff = 560
- bspSwitchOn = 561
- bspWallSwitchOff = 562
- bspWallSwitchOn = 563
- bspGroundStar = 600
- bspGroundArrow = 601
- bspGroundArrowLeft = 602
- bspVines = 610
- bspCrack = 611
- sbpTree = 1002
- bspTriPyramid = 650
- bspOnSwitch = 701
- bspOffSwitch = 702
- bspTower = 703
- bspGrid10 = 704
- bspMushroom = 705
- bspHingeDoor = 706
- bspFlower = 707
- bspTree = 708
- bspGrid7.5 = 709
- bspHill = 710
- bspStreet = 711
- bspTurn = 712
- bspLock = 713
- bspDeadTree = 714
- bspBigIce = 715
- bspIce = 716
- bspShell = 717
- bspCubeFrame = 720
- bspDoubleCube = 721
- bspFloorFrame = 722
- bspGobbleRect = 723
- bspGobbleTriangle = 724
- bspGuard = 800
- bspBolt = 801
- bspMissile = 802
- bspLargeDome = 806
- bspParasite = 807
- bspUfo = 808
- bspShuriken = 809
- bspPlatform = 812
- bspGrenade = 820
- bspStarFighter = 830
- bspTractorTower = 831
- bspShooter = 832
- // HSND (sound) resources:
- snUnderwater = 129
- snJungle = 130
- snArcticWind = 131
- snBubbles = 132
- snBirds = 133
- snTextBlip = 150
- snMessageSend = 151
- snMessageReceive = 152
- snStep = 160
- snShot = 200
- snDoorClang = 210
- snHit0 = 210
- snHit1 = 211
- snShieldHit = 220
- snShieldHit1 = 221
- snShieldHit2 = 222
- snBlast = 230
- snBlast1 = 231
- snSwitch = 240
- snGoody = 250
- snMineBleep = 300
- snMineBlow = 301
- snParasiteBlow = 310
- snDoor = 400
- snDoorStop = 401
- snTeleport = 410
- snIncarnate = 411
- snWin = 412
- snLose = 413
- snParasiteAttach = 420
- snBallBuzz = 430
- snBallSnap = 431
- snBallEject = 432
- snBallReprogram = 433
- snGobble = 440
- lightHull = 128
- mediumHull = 129
- heavyHull = 130
- // Misc adjustments
- hitSoundDefault = snHit0
- blastSoundDefault = snBlast
- shieldHitSoundDefault = snShieldHit
- playerHitSoundDefault = snShieldHit2
- incarnateSound = snIncarnate
- hull[0] = lightHull
- hull[1] = mediumHull
- hull[2] = heavyHull
- designer = "unknown"
- information = "
- No additional information on this level is available."
- unique 32000 end